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Relay For Life celebrates the power of community fundraising in the fight to beat cancer.


Teams of friends and family fundraise for life-saving cancer research then unite as a community at a weekend long festival to honour everyone who has been affected by cancer and celebrate the progress made in research.


The festival is focused around a 24 hour relay where team members take it in turns to walk around a track to show that together we'll do whatever it takes to beat cancer.


There are Relay For Life taking place across the UK and Ireland, and thousands more around the world. Collectively, we remember loved ones we've lost and celebrate those who have survived.


Each Relay is organised by a dedicated local volunteer committee, to deliver an incredible event of celebration and remembrance.


  • We honour Survivors of cancer, our special guests.

  • Enjoy a variety of games and music from local performers, There's something for the whole family to enjoy.

  • Hear and Cancer Research UK's ground-breaking science,

  • A Candle of Hope ceremony gives us a moment to reflect and honour everyone affected by cancer.

  • A closing ceremony celebrates our achievements and inspires us all to continue the fight.


We're part of an international movement of over 4 million Relayers, taking part in 6,000 Relay for Life events across the globe and have collectively raised over $7 billion in the worldwide fight against cancer.


1 in 2 of us will get cancer in our lifetime, Cancer Research UK funds around 50% of all publicly funded cancer research here in the UK. We're absolutely determined to continue our vital research, but to save lives tomorrow, we need your help today.


Enter your team in Legenderry Relay for Life and together we will beat cancer.


Together we are stronger than cancer.


Join us now.


















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